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Why Do We Need Flows in Android Development?

In modern Android development, building apps efficiently and maintaining high performance are paramount. One key tool that developers use to manage asynchronous programming and handle dynamic data streams is Kotlin’s...

What is Design Thinking?

What is Design Thinking? Well, I don’t think anyone has a straight forward answer to this. In my experience, people try to stitch complex jargon with thinking, innovation and AI...

Relay for Figma and Android Studio

What if our figma designs get converted to UI in Android. Imagine how cool that would be We already have a plugin that can do this (In Alpha stage) ....

Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor

There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor. If you’ve gotten pretty comfortable with writing in Markdown, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips...

The first mass-produced book to deviate from a rectilinear format

The first mass-produced book to deviate from a rectilinear format, at least in the United States, is thought to be this 1863 edition of Red Riding Hood, cut into the...

Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking.

There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor