Goutham Reddy

What is Design Thinking?

What is Design Thinking?

What is Design Thinking?

Well, I don’t think anyone has a straight forward answer to this. In my experience, people try to stitch complex jargon with thinking, innovation and AI to make it feel special and unique. If we remove that jargon - we usually end up with guidelines than a solid answer to these topics

So let me answer, what i think is the meaning of design thinking

  • It’s a problem solving approach and controversial term particularly the thinking part - it’s more of decision making than thinking.

    Four stages of design thinking

  • what is ? - it helps us figure out, what is the present situation and the resources we possess both human and capital
  • what if ? - most of the times we end up thinking about constraints than the future possibilities, In this phase, focus only on ideas and not on constraints - this will give us a whole new set of business concepts
  • what wows ? - we treat each business concept as an hypothesis and see the results by testing each hypothesis with multiple factors . These results will help us identify the wow factors and the concept with highest wow zone yiels more results
  • what works ? - Trying out a smaller prototype with above business concept and learn what works and keep on improving sample size.

Some factors to focus while design thinking

  • Human Centered
  • possibility driven
  • multiple options

Few Design Tools

  • Journey Mapping : traces the journey of a customer as they experience a product or service
  • co creation : Inviting key stakeholders into design process
  • visualisation : make it tangible and clear

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